Major Equipment and International Facilities Used
Setting up and mounting detectors and electronics:
• PTB at BESSY II. Berlin (Germany). 26–29 August 2014. Proposal: “Characterization of thin photodiodes for continuous photon flux measurements”.
• European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF). Grenoble (France). Proposal: “Analysis and modelling of secondary electron generation and induced fragmentation by synchrotron radiation in condensed bio molecular systems”. Proposal: The XNAP project and Avalanche photodiodes. 25–28 May 2012. Proposal: High resolution X-ray imaging. Characterisation and measurement of SCF remanence and spatial resolution. 22–24 June, 28 November–3 December 2012, 13–15 February and 1–6 June 2013.
• Centre for Micro Analysis of Materials (CMAM). Madrid (Spain). Proposal: “CALIFA project (calorimeter for in-flight gamma detection) R3B experiment”. Dates: 6 and 16–20, Proposal: “Monolithic experiment at CMAM Rutherford scattering of 23Na and 25Al on 0.1microm 197Au”. Dates: 6 and 16–20 March 2009 and 19–23 May 2009. Proposal: “Study of the 4He (3He) 7Be reaction of astrophysical interest”. Dates: 18–24 June 2009. Proposal: “Cross section measurements on 3He (4He ,ɣ ) 7Be direct capture reaction”. Dates: 17–30 November 2009 and July 2009.
• Nuclear and Technological Institute (ITN). Lisbon (Portugal). Proposal: “Measure of diffusion elastic proton on the nuclei 58Ni, 197Au, 12Co and 40CA”.
• Grand Accélérateur National d’Ions Lourds (GANIL). Caen (France). Proposal: Experiment ES875. “Near barrier scattering of 8He with heavy targets”. Dates: 13–20 September 2010.