This is my day song «Porno», I was listening traveling to the ESRF. ‘Reflektor’ is one of my favorites albums of 2013 and is an artistic gamble from Arcade Fire; a bold statement from a band less intent on competing with their contemporaries and who, instead, focus on doing what they want to do, which this time round seems to be to dance. Reflektor doesn’t contain any actually bad songs, but the impact of a full listen is one of catchy excitement and impressive pop rock which slowly rolls downhill into the murky sonic depths of the more somber second half without any truly punctuating final moment of the record itself.
I don’t understand some of the critical backlash this album received. Reflektor is a completely immerse album and easily earns its place among the ranks of their best albums.
My favorite song: Porno – Arcade Fire
Good Wednesday